How to,Where to and Which are the COBOL Compiler Option

Specifying compiler options with the PROCESS (CBL) statement

You can code compiler options on the PROCESS statement in your COBOL source programs.

    ___ CBL/PROCESS statement syntax ____________
| |
| >>__ _CBL_____ __ ______________ ________>< | | |_PROCESS_| |_options-list_| |
| |
Place the PROCESS statement before the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header and before any comment lines or compiler-directing statements.
You can start PROCESS in columns 1 through 66. A sequence field is allowed in columns 1 through 6. When used with a sequence field, PROCESS can start in columns 8 through 66. If used, the sequence field must contain six characters, and the first character must be numeric.

Compiler option
"AWO" : To get optimum use of buffer and device space
"DATA" : To have DFSMS allocate QSAM buffers above the 16-MB line(by using the
RENT and DATA(31) compiler options)
"DYNAM" : To have subprograms (called through the CALL statement) dynamically
loaded at run time
"FASTSRT" : To specify that the IBM DFSORT product (or equivalent) will handle all of
the input and output
"NUMPROC" : To have invalid sign processing bypassed for numeric operations
"OPTIMIZE" : To optimize generated code for better performance
"RENT" : To generate a reentrant program
"RMODE" : To let the program be loaded anywhere
"SSRANGE" : To verify that all table references and reference modification expressions are
in proper bounds
"TEST" : To avoid the additional object code that would be produced to take full advantage
of Debug Tool, use TEST(NONE)or NOTEST. Additionally, when using TEST(NONE), you can use the
SEPARATE suboption of TEST option to further reduce the size of your object code.
"TRUNC" : To avoid having code generated to truncate the receiving fields of arithmetic operations.